Copyright Results
Copyright Appeals
Pearson Education, Inc., Cengage Learning, Inc., The McGraw–Hill Companies, Inc. v. Almgren, 685 F.3d 691 (8th Cir. 2012) (representation of plaintiffs on their appeal from the bankruptcy court's order striking their jury demand; argued; copyright infringement; affirmed).
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. v. Kirtsaeng, 654 F.3d 210 (2d Cir. 2011), (representation of plaintiff on defendant’s appeal in copyright infringement action; argued; copyright infringement; affirmed; reversed by Supreme Court).
Mattel, Inc. v. Goldberger Doll Mfg. Co., 365 F.3d 133 (2d Cir. 2004) (represented appellant; argued; copyright infringement; reversed).
Copyright Trials
Elsevier Inc., John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and American Chemical Society v. Comprehensive Microfilm & Scanning Services, Inc., December 2013; M.D. Pa.; jury trial; represented plaintiffs; infringement of 2,515 copyrights with an affirmative defense of fair use; 4 days; favorable verdict of $1,500,000 reduced by setoffs from our prior settlements; post-trial motions pending.
Pearson Education, Inc., Cengage Learning, Inc., The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. v. Almgren, October 2010; D. Minn. Bank. Ct.; bench trial; represented plaintiffs; copyright infringement; one day; decision finding statutory damages not dischargeable in bankruptcy; affirmed on appeal.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. v. Swancoat, September 2010; S.D.N.Y.; jury trial; represented plaintiff; copyright infringement; three days; $12,000 verdict.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. v. Kirtsaeng, November 2009; S.D.N.Y.; jury trial; represented plaintiff; copyright infringement; two days; favorable verdict of $600,000 for eight copyrights; affirmed on appeal; reversed by the Supreme Court.
Pearson Education, John Wiley & Sons, and Thomson Learning v. Tjiptowidjojo, April 2007; S.D.N.Y.; jury trial; represented plaintiffs; copyright infringement; three days; favorable verdict of $213,000; attorneys' fees of $115,000 subsequently awarded in a decision reported at 84 U.S. P.Q. 2d 1697.
Mattel, Inc. v. Goldberger Doll Mfg. Co., August 2004; S.D.N.Y.; bench trial; represented plaintiff; copyright infringement; one day; adverse decision; settled during appeal to the Second Circuit.
Robinson v. Buy-Rite and MTV Networks, March 2004; S.D.N.Y.; bench trial; represented defendants; copyright infringement; one day; favorable decision; reported at 71 U.S.P.Q.2d 1857.
Microsoft v. PTI v. Morning Star, August 2003; E.D.N.Y.; jury trial; represented third-party defendant; breach of warranty of non-infringement; two days; defense verdict.
D.C. Comics, Inc. v. Bobtron International, July 1990; S.D.N.Y.; bench trial; copyright infringement of BATMAN design; represented plaintiff; one day; favorable decision; reported at 17 U.S.P.Q.2d 1404, by Hon. Michael B. Mukasey.